Data retrieval and structure determination from synchrotron powder diffraction data
Alba synchrotron, April 3-5 2013

The workshop is aimed at present and future users of the Materials Science and Powder Diffraction beamline (MSPD) at Alba who are interested in the complete process of structure solution: starting from sample preparation, passing through data measurement/ retrieval and ending with the application of structure solution software. The necessary tools for understanding the whole process will be provided.
An additional very important objective of the workshop is to show the capabilities and specificities of the MSPD beamline which is especially relevant for the planning of future experiments. The seminars will be given by the beamline staff and ICMAB researchers.

Participants are expected to bring laptops with Windows (32- or 64-bit). The following programs will be used: DAJUST, XLENS_PD6, TALP and FULLPROF

Registration deadline March 1, 2013. There is no registration fee for the workshop, but you must register in order to get a reservation. The number of attendees is limited to 30. If the number of attendees is exceeded, participation of as many research groups as possible will be promoted.

For more information, please contact to

Workshop Coordinators
Inma Peral (Alba synchrotron facility)
Jordi Rius (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona, CSIC,